Week 9: Playroom Organization

Spring break just ended here in Montreal and I spent the weekend doing a reset of the house. So what perfect time than to discuss kids toys organization!

Kids have a lot of ‘stuff’ and it’s always all over the place unless you have a proper organizing system but let’s face it, it might still be all over the place!

Years ago, I set up the playroom in our basement because it has the most open space. I did not realize that their idea of a playroom is being in the room that I am in, and not where the toys are! They started dragging their toys to the living room because it’s right next to the kitchen and that’s where they were happy playing. This made me rethink my space, and create a corner in the living room to hold some of their toys (without it being an eye sore)

Organizing kids toys can be tricky.


It has to be easy for them to access.
Easy for them to tidy up afterwards.
Have clearly labeled bins for the different categories (pictograms work great for those non readers!)
Whether you are a fan or not but ROYGBIV (rainbow) organization just works so well in a playroom.

Within a playroom, I like setting up zones.

  • A space for creative play

  • Imaginative play

  • Educational toys

  • Reading nook

Kids often don’t need as many toys as we think. In fact studies have shown that Fewer toys at once may help toddlers to focus better and play more creatively. I remember when my kids were younger, I would rotate the toys so they didn’t get overwhelmed by all their choices.

To start decluttering kids’ toys, start by removing everything and grouping into similar categories, All the barbie dolls separate, their accessories together, lego sets together, playmobil together etc. Find appropriate containers to hold the items together.


Evaluate their toys, in fact, get the kids involved. Ask them if they still enjoy playing with them. Every few months we do a walkthrough of our playroom and the kids pick out the toys that are no longer bringing them joy but might make another child happy. We go through those toys and keep aside for donation. Not only does this teach kids to be considerate, but it teaches them to be mindful of their belongings.

Here are some of my go to playroom organization items:

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Labels for Toy Storage

The ever versatile Kallax from ikea  is my go to unit for organizing a playroom. a kallax on its side allows kids to still access the top surface. Use it for toys and books!

The ever versatile Kallax from ikea is my go to unit for organizing a playroom. a kallax on its side allows kids to still access the top surface. Use it for toys and books!

Ikea Trofast is great for some of the bulkier items.

Ikea Trofast is great for some of the bulkier items.