Week 8: Home Office Organization

It is currently the first day of Spring break here in Montreal. Working from home with kids is definitely a challenge. Now is even more important to have a dedicated workspace, if you don’t already.

working from home

Find that space in your home where you feel productive. I have space in my basement and that’s where I initially set up my home office. I quickly realized that I was just never going down there to work. It’s a darker space, less natural light coming in and I just didn’t associate the basement with being productive.

home office

I decided to switch things up and move my workspace to a little nook in my bedroom. I had space, and there is great sunlight that comes in, automatically lifting my mood and making me want to get things done. It’s a simple switch but made a huge impact.

So for your home office. First, you need a good desk and table. Good posture is everything! You need to get work done, and you need to be comfortable doing it!

Floating shelves and hanging racks for file folders can help use up that vertical space.

Create a place you love to be in. Whether colour brings you joy, or you need a minimal look to focus, personalize your workspace so you’re happy and feeling productive.

Don’t forget inside your desk drawers. Keep your most used items on the desktop, and tuck away everything else so you have the space to do your work. I love using dividers in a desk drawer to contain my items.

If you’re working from home temporarily and don’t want to invest in creating a home office, then using a rolling cart can easily help transform your space into a workspace. You don’t need to spend much. Create that working environment that will work in your favour.

Here are some handy items that can help transform your office space.

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Get files off your desk and into a hanging file organizer. I love using vertical space.

Drawer dividers in your desk drawer can save your items from getting messy.

If you don’t have a dedicated office in your home, this rolling cart from Ikea can easily convert any table to your work area.

Cord organizers to help keep your cords from falling.

Velcro wraps to keep your cords from getting messy and getting tangled.