How to Pack Efficiently Before a Move

Packing before a move

Packing up a whole house before a move sounds overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. I know, not everyone finds it fun like I do, but with some planning you can make the process more manageable and efficient. Here are a few tips.

  1. Start now. You don't have to wait til you've purchased your new home to start the packing process. You can start by packing away seasonal items, sentimental items, thing you don't use on a regular basis and won't need immediately in the new home.

  2. Break down the packing process into smaller tasks to make it more manageable.

  3. Declutter. If you know me, you know this is one of my favourite steps. Before packing, go through your belongings and sort them into categories: keep, donate, sell, or trash. Moving without decluttering will just add to your weight and waste time. Start the process early and only pack the items you can see you using in the new home. This is a new chapter, if you haven't even used it in your current home - will you actually use it in the new one?

  4. Pack room by room: Start packing one room at a time to maintain organization. Begin with rooms you use less frequently, like the storage room or garage.

  5. Labels are your best friend. You can never over label. When you move, there may be boxes you don't get around to opening right away, you won't remember what exactly that box contains. Colour code your boxes using labels to make it easier for the movers to put the boxes where they'll need to go in the new home. Even adding text directly on the boxes to indicate the contents will be helpful for when you need to find something quickly after the move. Click here to view some of the packing labels I used for my own move. Please note as an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

  6. Use an empty room or corner to create a zone used specifically for storing packed boxes.

  7. Avoid overpacking the boxes or make it too heavy. Heavy items, such as books and dishes should go in smaller boxes to avoid tearing.

  8. Bring all your important documents or things you'll need immediately with you. This includes a bag of clothes you'll need right away, toiletries, etc.

  9. Keep a detailed inventory list of your packed boxes. You can number the boxes and write down their contents. This will help you keep track of your belongings during the move and make unpacking easier.

Good luck with packing and for your upcoming move!