Spring is Here: Time to Declutter

Spring is a time of renewal. What better way to embrace this than by decluttering your home and getting organized? As a professional organizer, I've helped many clients tackle their clutter and create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Here are some tips and tricks for decluttering your home this spring.

Start with a plan

Before you dive into decluttering, it's important to have a plan in place. Start by identifying your clutter hot spots in your home that need the most attention. This could be a room, a closet, or even just a drawer. Once you've identified your clutter hot spot, create a list of tasks that need to be completed to achieve your goal. This might include sorting through items, deciding what to keep and what to donate or discard, and organizing the remaining items.

Be ruthless

When it comes to decluttering, it's important to be ruthless. Don't hold onto items that you no longer need or use. If you're struggling to let go of items, ask yourself if you've used them in the past year or if they hold any sentimental value. If the answer is no, it's time to let go.

Sort and categorize

Once you've identified the items you want to keep, sort and categorize them. This will make it easier to find what you need later on. Use bins or boxes to separate items into categories such as clothing, books, and household items. This will also help you to see how much you have of each item, which can be helpful when it comes to organizing your space.

Create designated spaces

To keep your home organized, it's important to create designated spaces for your belongings. This means finding a specific home for everything. Consider investing in storage solutions such as shelving, bins and baskets to help you keep everything in its place.


Once you've decluttered and organized your home, it's important to maintain your space. This means taking the time to put things back where they belong, and regularly going through your belongings to ensure that you're not accumulating more clutter. Set aside some time each month to tackle any clutter hotspots, and you'll be able to keep your home organized all year round.

Decluttering is a process, so don't be afraid to take it one step at a time. With a little effort, you'll be able to enjoy a clutter-free home that will bring you joy this season.