Why do you want to get Organized? Here are some Benefits.

So there are a lot of benefits to being more organized than just knowing where your items are kept.

Saves you money:

Being organized keeps you from buying items that you already have, but might have forgotten about or lost. Raise your hand if you’ve ever gone to the store and came back home with ingredients you already had unopened, hidden at the back of your pantry. 

Saves time:

No more running around, looking for that lost document you needed. Know where everything is kept, so you can find it when you need it.

Boost energy and productivity.

Productivity is all about efficiency -- doing more, faster and with less. When you are organized, you have your whole day somewhat mapped out. You know which tasks are high priority, and you can schedule them into your day.

Brings peace into your life

Outer order brings inner calm. Unfinished projects, pending to-do’s, cluttered environments can all add stress to our lives. When our area is cluttered, it is a lot of for our brain to process. We see clutter and are then reminded of all the things we need to do. Being organized can help cut out that noise and bring tranquility to our lives.

Helps you sleep better

A messy bedroom can lead to a poor night’s sleep and increased anxiety.

A study, conducted by St. Lawrence University showed that people who have clutter in their bedrooms take longer to fall asleep than those with neat and tidy rooms

Decrease overwhelm

When things are not in order, it can cause overwhelm. Clutter is just basically reminders of things you have yet to do. It’s the one word my clients come to me to express how they are feeling in their space.

Increase time with family

Disorganization distracts us by drawing our attention away from what our focus should be on. 

Who wants to spend every weekend tidying and putting things back using a system that won’t maintain the organization long term? No one. It’s a waste of time and you could be doing so much more. By finding the perfect system, tidying won’t take as long and you can do more with your time.