Simplify: To Regain some Sanity in our Lives

And just like that the month is done. Between packed schedules and getting back to our routine it’s no wonder we may start feeling some overwhelm.

When in doubt, Simplify.

Simplifying is the most easiest and quickest way to regain some sanity in our hectic lives. Let’s start by simplifying your:

Your Belongings: Everything we own takes up physical space in your home and mental space in our mind. Start small. Decluttering is like building muscle. The more you do it, the easier it will be.Less things, more freedom.

Your Schedule: Every night I take a look at my list, and choose 3 priority items for the next day, depending on my schedule. These would be the most time sensitive and urgent items or the ones that I am stressing over the most. Get into the habit of checking your to do list daily. Schedule in a time to complete those tasks. I don’t think it’s ever possible to have your to do list down to zero, but at least in this way you are continuously getting those urgent, time sensitive tasks taken care of and nothing slips through the cracks.

Your Social Media accounts: Even for a day, try it out! Let’s mute those apps that constantly cry for our attention Reduce the “noise” in your life.

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