It's never too early to start packing for a move

Moving can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan ahead.

moving unpacking

Here are some tips to help make your move a successful one.

Declutter before you pack

Think of this as a fresh start. Transporting your belongings cost money. This is the time to assess what you have, and what you want to bring to your new place. Start with the room you access the least. Ask yourself, do I want to keep this? Does this fit with the life I want to be living?

Start by grouping into 4 categories:

Trash, Recycling, Donation, or To Pack.

Here are some areas you can begin the packing process:

  • Garage/Storage room items.

  • Seasonal clothes. If you don’t need your off season clothes til your move, start by packing those aways; jackets, accessories, off season clothes.

  • Holiday decor can also be packed. Depending what season you are currently in.

  • Specialty kitchen appliances. Do we really need that big turkey roasting pan, if it's not even close to Thanksgiving?

  • Sentimental items /memorabilia.

  • Old Electronics/box of unlabelled wires. We’re all guilty of the box/bag of unlabelled wires. Here’s a good time to go through them so we’re not dragging them from one home to the next.

  • Books/Magazines

  • Decorative items.

This is the best time to shed some of that “weight” your home has been carrying for all those years. Lighten the load. It’s never too early to start.