Week 6: Food Storage: Fridge & Pantry Organization

Food organization needed its own dedicated week! Organizing food is challenging because food is constantly entering and leaving the space, then you have other household members rummaging through - so it’s very easy for the space to get unorganized without proper systems in place.

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Let’s start with the fridge:


  1. Clear your counters and remove everything from the fridge.

  2. Group your items by category. (fruits, vegetables, deli meats, cheese, dairy, leftovers etc.)

  3. Examine each item for the expiry date. Get rid of the expired items and items you didn’t end up liking/using.

  4. Now that the fridge is empty, give it a good wipedown.

  5. When placing the items back, use the categories you created to keep the items together. I love keeping items contained. You can find acrylic bins to hold your categories. Bonus points if you have them labeled.

    Pro Tip: Don’t put milk inside the door. Because the door is opened so often, milk can get affected by the fluctuation in temperature. Dairy and meats need stable temperature. So the bottom shelf in the fridge is often the preferred spot.

Here are some products that can do wonders in the fridge.

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No more losing things at the back of the fridge. Use this to group jars and condiments.

Drink organizer. If you are a big soda drinker, this will help you gain back some space.

Clear top protects eggs and makes it easy to stack more food or other storage organizers on top of the bin

Pantry Organization:

Follow the same steps as above:


  1. Clear your counters and remove everything from your pantry.

  2. Group your items by category. This depends on your own personal use (Some suggestions: baking, breakfast, pasta, rice, grains, snacks - if you’re a big snacker like us, separate sweets and salty snacks).

  3. Examine each item for the expiry date. Get rid of the expired items and items you didn’t end up liking/using.

  4. Now that the pantry is empty, give it a good wipedown.

  5. When placing the items back, use the categories you’ve created to keep the items together. I love keeping items contained using bins to hold your categories together. Label your categories.

Importance of Labels.
Maintenance is key. It helps keep things in order, not just for yourself, but anyone else living with you.

Pantry Organization Favourites:

Use these shelf risers to stack your cans/jars/bottles so you can easily see them all at a glance.

Another option for your cans, this can organizer really uses the vertical space.

I’m a big fan of these oxo food storage containers. They have an air tight seal which ensures freshness.

Any bin, whether they are acrylic, plastic, or these wire bins all serve the same purpose: They help contain your categories.