5 Ways to Start your Day off Right

Especially on Monday mornings which don’t have a bad rep for no reason. First off, think about what your ideal day even looks like. What do you want to accomplish? Then try these tricks below and see if it will help you achieve your goals.

  1. Try to sleep early so that you get your 8 hours of sleep. This is something I need to remind myself because I love my free time in the evenings.

  2. Lay out your next day’s outfit. I’ll even lay out my kids clothes just because I want them to be as quick as possible in the morning without asking me tons of questions. Also, leave whatever you need for the next day by the front door so it’s easy to grab and go. If it’s returns you have to do, your work bag, an umbrella if there is rain just leave them in a handy spot by the door.

  3. Start your day with intention. Review your schedule the night before. Plan your day in advance so you know how your day will look. Less time wasted in figuring out what to do next. Even if they are small bite sized tasks, you’ll feel more productive crossing them off your list.

  4. Exercise. Go out for a quick walk. Getting your blood pumping first thing in the morning will energize you. If you have time for a full workout, even better!

  5. Eat a good breakfast. After all, it’s not called the most important meal of the day for no reason. A balanced meal will help you feel fuller longer. Breakfast replenishes blood sugar levels, which helps provide energy and improves concentration.

The key to having a great morning all depends on you. See what works for you, what makes you happy, and continue to do that.

Exercise and sleeping early are definitely areas I struggle in. What about you? What’s your morning routine look like? Anything you’d like to improve on?